Is the Bible Really God's Word?

Is the Bible the Word of God or is it just another book of man that claims to be divine?  To answer this question properly, it is important to look at the Bible to see what it says about itself.  
  • The Bible states that it is God's Word:
2 Timothy 3:16  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness
Here we see that the Bible (another name for Scripture) states that it is breathed out by God. What does breathed out mean?  Breathed out is a word (one word in the Greek language) that means "divinely inspired."  The Bible is saying in this verse that all of it--every part of the Scripture--was spoken by God.  This is important to understand.  The Bible is a book that not just contains God's words, rather all of the Bible is God's Word.  Therefore, since the Bible is God's Word, what is said in it is important and must be listened to.  Take heed to the written Word of God!
  • The Bible states that it originated from the mind of God:
2 Peter 1:20-21  knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.  21  For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says that according to verse 20 of Second Peter, no part of prophecy in the Scripture came from someone's own mind.  What you read in the Bible is not just opinions of the future or of current events in their time. Rather the Bible is saying that it was only produced when God had them write ("carried along by the Holy Spirit"). Verse 21 teaches us that God used the talents, the personalities, and the intellect of the men when He had them write Scripture ("men spoke from God"). How was this accomplished?  It is in many respects a divine mystery, but one thing for sure is the Lord divinely superintended  the writing of Scripture to insure that it was exactly written as it should be written.  Therefore, you and I can confidently say when we hold the Bible in our hands that we are holding the Word of God.

  • The Bible states that its Author is without error:
Titus 1:2  in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.
2 Samuel 7:28  And now, O Lord GOD, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant.
Proverbs 30:5  Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Psalms 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.
John 17:17  Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
These verses point out some very important things about the Word of God. The Bible is either the truth or a lie.  It is either all error or totally accurate. The Bible cannot be both true and untrue at the same time.  Each of these passages reminds us several things about the Bible:

First, God is not a liar like men (Titus 1:2). Everything God states is true (2 Samuel 7:28) because every word proves itself to be true (Proverbs 30:5).  What man can make that claim? What philosophy can state that everything it says is truth and prove it?  None.  Take evolution for example.  Evolution is full of supposed historical observations that are fact, but where are the evidences?  Where are the transitional fossils demonstrating molecule to man evolution?  How come every missing link is found eventually not to be a missing link?  How many times does evolution have to backtrack or change to remain supposedly true?  The Bible on the other hand doesn't change because the Lord doesn't change.  You may say what about the evidence?  Isn't the Bible lacking evidence also?  I would argue no.  Look at the changed lives of those who honestly seek to practice what the Bible says.  People who are seeking to live out the Word of God are different than those who just causally read the Bible.  Besides changed people, you can also look at the world and perform observational science and you will find that God's world confirms God's Word (i.e. the fossil and geological record are evidence of a global flood as stated in Genesis; the fact that life has to come from life; the fact that all changes in a kind still remain that kind, etc.).  The Bible is true and will always be confirmed as true.

Secondly,  Psalm 12:6 reminds us that what God states is totally pure.  The Lord doesn't have alterer motives.  What He stated should be taken at face value.  Therefore, it is important for you to believe His promises because not only does He mean them, but He is more than able to execute them! What man can accomplish everything he has stated? Again, the answer is none.  Only God can!

Lastly, John 17:17, words of the Lord Jesus Christ in His high priestly prayer, remind us that the Bible is truth itself.  When Christ states that your word is truth, He uses the noun form of truth. This means that objectively the Bible is the truth whereby everything else must be weighed against.  Since the Bible is the standard, everything should rest upon this foundation.  The Bible should be the glasses whereby we evaluate and see the world in which we live in. Therefore if you want to know true faith and forgiveness, begin with the Bible.  If you want to know true history, begin with the Bible.  If you want to know true morality--go to the Scriptures.  Only by building upon the standard of Scripture will life and society be best.   What about you?  Who are you seeking to weigh your life against?  What is the foundational standard of your life? Is it others?  Is it ever changing man's opinions? To measure your life against anything else but the Bible is misleading (Psalm 19: 1-14; Psalm 119: 1-176). I challenge you to stop wasting your time with vain things and allow the Lord to change you through the Word of God.

In conclusion I hope you understand the answer to the question, is the Bible really God's Word? The answer is yes. I  hope this helps you understand what the Bible says about itself.  It is the Word of God.  It is all the Word of God.  It is totally true.  Therefore, you need to listen to what it says.

In Christ,
Rev. Steve

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