Is hell a real place of eternal suffering? Part two
The next Scriptural evidence that hell (Gehenna) is a place for eternal suffering is found later in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 27-30) where the Lord Jesus Christ deals with the sin of adultery. The following section also is from the same sermon outline I wrote several years ago.
"Within verses 27- 30, the Lord expands (and completes the Law--see Matthew 5: 17) upon the Law of committing adultery. This is the second section of illustrations given by the Lord explaining what God truly means by statements of the Law [see Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18]. Here the Lord classifies adultery as not just as sexual act with a neighbor’s wife, but lustful thoughts about a woman. These thoughts refer to that which is “ an intentional looking for the purpose of stimulating, and delighting in, impure desire.” John Broadus, Commentary on Matthew, p. 108."
"Unlike the going from the altar to make amends with your brother when you are angry, here the Lord suggests radical mortification of the sinful desire. If lusting women is a problem, than take out your eye so you do not sin! This does not mean one should literally remove their eye, but the Lord demonstrates the seriousness of adultery committed in the heart."
"The one, who commits lustful activity, is worthy to be thrown into Gehenna. The same is in store for the one whose right hand causes him to stumble; it is better for him to remove radically his right hand than to be thrown into Gehenna. In verse 29-30, one gains understanding that the sinner is placed in Hell as a punishment, and is where the sinner as a person will be punished."
The conclusion we learn from this section is that the thoughts of man condemn man as a sinner. Man commits sinful actions because they begin in the heart of sinful man. Actions follow the heart (Matthew 15:18-19). Have you ever committed adultery in the mind? If so, you are guilty enough of Gehenna. The conclusion you should reach upon reading this passage of Scripture how can I then be saved from my sin against a holy God? The answer lies in what Jesus Christ did for you. He, being sinless, died in your place on the cross to take the punishment for your sin (Romans 5:1; John 3:14-18). He died so you don't have to. All you must do to receive this forgiveness of sin and avoid your just sentence of Gehenna is to "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31)
“In God’s sight the inward desire is just as much sin as the outward act. Putting on a nice facade does not fool God” Dr. Stewart Custer, The Gospel of the King, p. 79.
Pastor Steve
Psalm 119.89