Does God speak to us today outside of the Scriptures?

Depending on who you ask, some will say yes and some will say no.   Some will say that God speaks to them in dreams and visions, through "words of knowledge," through people (the Pope) and even other publications (Book of Mormon).

Answering this question is a bit dangerous because many people who call themselves Christians have many emotionally charged answers that supposedly have proofs of experiences that says, "Yes, God does speak in other ways today; you just don't know how to discern His voice." To focus on answering these emotionally charged answers is not profitable because the experiences themselves are not verifiable as to whether or not they are the direct result of God speaking.  No person who claims that their experience is proof that God speaks outside of Scripture can prove through their experience that God has truly spoken through them (1 Thessalonians 5:21). 

So how does one answer this question?  Well, the best place to start is the Scripture. You may say, "But you are being circular in your reasoning, since you are starting with the Scripture, you will conclude that only the Scripture is where God has spoken."  Well, think about this, because of 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:19-21,  I know that the Bible is God's Word.  Therefore to leave out the Bible is foolish.  It is verifiable through the Scriptures that the 66 books we have today are God's revealed Word.  To leave out the Bible indicates that the premise for answering the question "Does God speak to us today outside of the Scriptures?" is bound to be inaccurate.  Therefore, over the next several posts, I will seek to answer, based on Scripture, the question, "Does God speak to us today outside of the Scriptures."

Pastor Steve

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