Is Hell a real place of eternal suffering? Part Three

Here is the next two sections of the topical study of Gehenna, examining the words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The first section focuses on the Lord Jesus Christ speaking of Gehenna in light of judgment, the second section the Lord specifically describes Gehenna.

Again the purpose of this is to help you understand that Gehenna is a real place of eternal suffering.  Remember, Gehenna is spoken of in the Gospels 11 times, with the Lord Jesus being the one speaking.  He speaks of Gehenna more than of heaven. 

Gehenna is a place  for sinners (Matt. 10:28; Luke 12:5)
Here we find the Lord speaking to His disciples.

Jesus is telling His disciples that Gehenna is a place of judgment (probably on two different occasions- Matthew being when He commissioned the 12, Luke warning against the leaven of the Pharisees); warning them not to be afraid of those who would persecute them because they can only kill the body, but be afraid of the One who can cast both body and soul into Gehenna.  This reference to “body” and “soul” give understanding that it is the entire person who will be suffering in hell; the sinner has an immortal body and  will be suffering forever for his sins that he committed against the Lord (Revelation 20: 11-15).

Gehenna is an eternal fiery place (Matthew 18: 9: Mark 9: 43-47)

In both Matthew 18 and Mark 9, these passages are parallel and deal with the same issue: causing one to stumble.  The first half of the passage, the Lord deals with stumbling blocks in reference to little children (spiritually and also physically).  If one should cause a little child to stumble, they should have a mill stone (size of one turned by a donkey) tied around their neck and thrown into the sea (drowning was a punishment used by the Greeks, Romans, Syrians, an Phoenicians, and in the Sea of Galilee through the early part of Herod’s reign.).
In Matt. 18:8ff, and Mark 9:43ff the idea switches from causing others to stumble to causing oneself to stumble because of sin. The remedy is similar to Matthew 5; radical mortification of the flesh and the judgment for sin being Gehenna.

  1. Gehenna is spoken of as being unquenchable (Matt. 18: 8-9, Mark 9:43).
This fire of Gehenna is spoken by our Lord as being a fire that does not end. Therefore, the fire is eternal.  This fire for the wicked will never go out, but rather will last for eternity.  In Matt. 18:8, the word Gehenna is not used, but is in the context of Gehenna (verse 9), and describes the punishment of sinners as an “eternal fire.”  It is for this very reason why our Lord speaks of the importance of making sure that all who hear the Word understand that God does not look upon sin lightly.  Sin requires Divine eternal judgment because sin is against an Eternal, Holy God.
  1. Gehenna is spoken of as a place for a sinner to be cast into (Mark 9:45).
 “Be cast into hell is a stronger term than that used in verse 43.” (D. Edmond Hiebert, The Gospel of Mark, An Expositional Commentary, BJU Press, p.269).  This phrase has the idea of one being forced to go there.

  1. Gehenna is spoken of a place where the worm never dies (Mark 9:47-48).

Here the Lord is speaking about things which is future: “enter into the kingdom of God” is referring to the future aspect of the kingdom. “To be cast into Gehenna” is also referring to that which is future.  

Mark 9: 48 provides us with two destructive forces which take place in Gehenna: the worm and the fire.  Worm refers to a “destructive force that is inherent” (Hiebert, p. 269). Fire refers to “punitive force applied from without” (Hiebert, p. 269). These are spiritual realities, which belong to those who are lost.  The picture presented by the Lord concerning Gehenna is an unending punishment, which is extremely painful to the lost sinner who is cast there because of their sin.  Truly, this is a grim picture of the fate of the lost.  This should cause us as those who know Him to make sure we give the Gospel to every man we meet! If you today do not know the saving grace of Christ, come now while you still live!

I added some sermons from Evangelist Steve Pettit about this passage of Scripture. I encourage you to listen to these messages:

 The Danger of Dying Without God. Mark 9: 43-37. Evangelist Steve Pettit
The Danger of Dying Without God. Mark 9:43-48. Evangelist Steve Pettit  

Pastor Steve

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