Does God speak to us today outside of the Scripture?

Thus far in our Bible study we have examined several different passages: Psalm 19:1-6; Psalm 50:6; Psalm 97:6.  Each of these specifically speak to all humanity that there is a Lord God who created all.

There are a few other passages in the Bible that specifically speak about the Lord revealing Himself outside of the specific revelation of the Scripture.

In Acts 14:17  the Bible states, "Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness."  This verse falls in the context of the Apostle Paul and Barnabas being in the city of Lystra, where the Lord healed a man who was lame in his feet (Acts 14:8-10). After the man who was lame was healed, the people thought that Paul was Hermes and that Barnabas was Zeus.  Through this apparent confusion, the Apostle Paul questioned them and asked them why they do these things (Acts 14:15), and told the people that they bring good news that they should turn from their vain idolatry and turn to the Living God who is the Creator.

It is interesting that the Apostle Paul states to the people of Lystra in this discourse that during their time of ignorance of the Lord, the Lord was witnessing to them through several things: rain, fruitful seasons, food, and gladness.  The Bible states here that the goodness of the Lord to them (through these things) was a testimony to these people (and all people today) that He is the Lord. 

Think of all the times the Lord has allowed you to be like the people in Lystra.  Maybe you have a farm and your crops are good, free of disease and pest damage and as a result, you are able to turn a profit of some sorts that puts food on the table and pays the bills.  This is a witness to you that there is a God in heaven who is concerned about you and loves you.  Maybe you don't have a farm, but some family members who you are able to be together with, enjoying good food and gladness--this too is a witness that the Lord loves you!

We could keep going through circumstances where the Lord, through His common grace to all, is testifying to them that He is in heaven, that He made them, and that He is a good God and Savior.  The point I see in this passage is just acknowledging this witness of God alone isn't good enough.  God wants more than just a appreciator of good workmanship; He wants to fellowship with you.  The Lord wants you to turn from the vain things you serve right now and turn to Him, the Living God, who can give you eternal life if you confess your sins, turn from your evil ways, and turn by faith to Him through Jesus Christ who paid for your sin on the cross of Calvary.

I leave with some final thoughts about Acts 14: are you living for vanity, or are you living for the Lord God who made you, who loves you? This Lord God is also your Judge (Hebrews 9:27 Acts 17:31), but has through His shed blood, made possible the redemption of your soul from His just judgment against your sin. If you are not living for God today, turn from your evil, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will surly be rescued (Acts 16:31)!

Pastor Steve
Psalm 119:89

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