Noah's Flood and the Earth's Age - Audio Download - Answers Bookstore

Noah's Flood and the Earth's Age - Audio Download - Answers Bookstore

This download is free from Answers in Genesis until December 6th according to the website.

If you want to read more information about Noah and the world wide flood, read the account in Genesis 6:1-Genesis 9:17.

You may ask, "What is the big deal about Noah and the Flood?"  The big deal is that the flood itself was God's judgment against all the wickedness of man and the violence by all flesh in the earth (Genesis 6:5, 11-12).  If it wasn't for God's grace shown to Noah, then humanity never would have been rescued from their sin by Jesus Christ.  Noah was a type of Christ in that all who believed God's coming message of judgment (120 years, Genesis 6:3), and by faith obeyed God's Word and got on the Ark, were rescued from their sin and were saved.  Unfortunately, only Noah's family believed God's Word.  Today, just like then, judgment is coming.  This time not by water, but by fire (2 Peter 3).  The solution is the same: believe God's Word, trust in Him by believing in what Christ has done by paying for your sins on the cross, and you will be rescued from your coming judgment.

Pastor Steve
Psalm 119:89

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