What will the future be like for Egypt? Part 3

Here is the third section concerning the Lord’s future reality for Egypt as stated in Isaiah 19: 1-25.
Last post we examined the first four verses that states that the Lord will stir up a civil war in Egypt swiftly causing all Egyptians to be thrown into turmoil with a harsh ruler ruling over them (Isaiah 19:1-4).  Many believe verse four specifically refers to one of the many invasions of Egypt already in history (Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ethiopians), and others believe that this could be a reference to the Anti-Christ ruling Egypt one day.  Although the Lord purposefully leaves out the details, Egypt is no longer the world empire it once was after it was invaded by the Assyrians shortly after Isaiah’s day.  Many therefore believe that this part of the prophecy has already been fulfilled.

From verse four, this post will deal briefly with Isaiah 19:5-15. At verse 15, the poetry ends, and so does the major section of judgment prophecy.

The Lord will one day in the future judgment dry up the River Nile, causing total economic disaster and causing hunger. These verses (5-10) appear to be references to events that have not happened yet:
  • The Nile will be in drought (vs. 5).
  • Irrigation canals will dry up along with the Nile delta (vs. 6).
  • vegetation along the Nile will dry up (vs. 7).
  • Fisherman who fish in the Nile will suffer (vs. 8).
  • Those who weave cotton will be in despair (vs. 9).
  • Those who are pillars in society will be crushed and those who receive wages will grieve (vs. 10).
In verses 11-15, the Lord will totally confound (vs. 14) the wisdom of the rulers from Egypt so that they are unable to figure out what the Lord is doing to them (vs. 12).
In these first fifteen verses of this chapter, God demonstrates His ability to throw a nation into turmoil because the people do not fear Him.  Let me share a summarization from these verses that are not original with me, but are from Dr. Peter A. Stevenson’s commentary on Isaiah, pages 164-165 about these judgments in Isaiah 19:1-15:
  • God can use “civil war” (vs. 1-2)
  • God can use a “rule by a tyrant” (3-4)
  • God can use “calamity in nature”  (5-10)
  • God can use a “lack of leadership” (11-15)
All of these are the “options available to God as He punishes those who refuse Him.” IBID

I hope you are learning as we study this passage about Egypt and its future that it is not a light thing to trifle with Living God of the Bible. If you are reading this and know you are not in a right relationship with the Lord, why don’t you come now and rend your heart and get right with God.  This is God’s will for you today that you may come to Him and be rescued from your sin and not have to suffer the judgment that your sin justly deserves.  Jesus Christ took your punishment for you on the cross;His blood washes away your sin.  Come today, don’t delay!
Pastor Steve
Psalm 119:89

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