God Takes His Word Very Seriously--and So Should You!

Jeremiah--the Weeping Prophet
There is an account written in chapter 36 of the Book of Jeremiah whereby the Lord God has Jeremiah write
all the words that God had spoken to him from "the days of Josiah [the King] until today." (Jeremiah 36:2). In this writing of Scripture, the Lord gives the reason why He wants His Word written:
Jeremiah 36:3  It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the disaster that I intend to do to them, so that every one may turn from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin."
This verse teaches us a very important lesson about why God has His Word written.  He has his Word written so:
  1. People would hear of the coming judgement of God upon sin.
  2. People would turn or repent of their wickedness and turn toward the Lord.
  3. People would then be forgiven of their sin by the Lord.
God wanted to forgive the people of Jeremiah's day of all the sin that they were committing against the Lord. In order to do that, the Lord wanted His people to see that the way they were living was wrong. He wanted to forgive them and restore them, but He could only do it if they realized they had done wrong in the first place. This is just like helping someone who has an addiction--they cannot receive help from the addiction unless they first realize that they have an addiction.
Unfortunately, for most of the people of Jeremiah's day, they didn't take God's Word seriously--in fact, they wanted to have Jeremiah killed on more than one occasion (Jeremiah 26:8; Jeremiah 38:4-6)!  Therefore, since they never saw their need for Him, God was unable to forgive them of their sin.  Judgement came instead--just as He said would happen if they didn't return to Him.  If only they took God's Word seriously! If they only heard and listened who knows how many lives could have been spared from the Babylonian army!

This very sad lesson about not taking God's Word seriously is being played out in countless number of lives today in our world.  People everywhere hear God's Word, but fail to take His promises seriously, resulting in their judgement for their sin (Hebrews 9:27).  May you today learn from the lesson of Judah in Jeremiah's day and take seriously God's promises (as God does!) as found in the pages of His Word the Bible--God wrote those inspired Words for your benefit!

I close with a verse from the prophet Isaiah, whereby God is reasoning with people to hear His Word and live in fellowship with Him:
Isaiah 55:3  Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.
Pastor Steve
Psalm 119:89

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